Math Dictionary of Mathematics Definitions

Mathematics is the science of numbers as Aristotle defined. Here we have collected all the important mathematics definitions. Browse these definitions or use the Search function for a specific definition.

Math Definitions

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There are currently 9 definitions in this directory beginning with the letter N.
A prefix meaning one-billionth (1/1,000,000,000 or 10-9)

• a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, about the width of DNA (illustrated here)
• a nanosecond is one-billionth of a second

Symbol is n

Example: 12 ns = 12 nanoseconds = 12 billionths of a second (0.000000012 s)

Natural Number
The whole numbers from 1 upwards: 1, 2, 3, and so on ...

Or from 0 upwards in some fields of mathematics: 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on ...

No negative numbers and no fractions.

Less than zero.

(Positive means more than zero. Zero is neither negative nor positive.)

A negative number is written with a minus sign in front

Example: −5 is negative five.

The word "negative" can be shortened to "−ve"

Net Income
Income after tax and expenses.

For a business: total sales minus all expenses including tax.

Example: Bravedog Inc sells $400,000 of dog biscuits, spending $180,000 making them. Marketing and other costs and tax are $100,000. Bravedog's gross income is $220,000 and its net income is $120,000.

Nominal Number
A number used only as a name, or to identify something (not as an actual value or position)

· the number on the back of a footballer: "8"
· a zip code: "91210"
· a model number: "380"
· etc

At right angles to, going directly away from.

For a curve imagine a line just touching and matching the slope there (called a "tangent") and draw a line at right angles to it.

Example: a circle's diameter is always normal to its circumference

A number is a count or measurement.

They are really an idea in our minds. We write or talk about numbers using numerals such as "5" or "five". We could also hold up 5 fingers, or tap the table 5 times. These are all different ways of referring to the same number.

There are also different types of numbers, such as
• whole numbers {1,2,3,...}
• decimals (like 1.48 or 50.5)
• fractions (like 1/2 or 3/8)
• and more.

Number Sense
A person's ability to use and understand numbers:

· knowing their relative values,
· how to use them to make judgments,
· how to use them in flexible ways when adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing
· how to develop useful strategies when counting, measuring or estimating.

A symbol or name that stands for a number.

Examples: 3, 49 and twelve are all numerals

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