Odd Man Out Solutions

Here are the solutions for all the sets of Odd Man Out

Set 1 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is Oil. Reason: All except oil are diary products.
  2. Answer is Brass. Reason: All except brass are alloy.
  3. Answer is Dear. Reason: All except dear are flesh eating animals.
  4. Answer is Banana. Reason: All except banana are juicy fruits.
  5. Answer is Knight. Reason: All except knight are religious titles, where as knight is a fighter.

Set 2 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is River. Reason: All except river contain stagnant water.
  2. Answer is X-Ray. Reason: All except x-ray are electronic devices.
  3. Answer is Peso. Reason: All except peso are Greek letters.
  4. Answer is Saucer. Reason: All except saucer are used to contain liquid.
  5. Answer is Whale. Reason: Only whale is a mammal.

Set3 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is Ounce. Reason: All except ounce are currency, ounce is used to measure weight.
  2. Answer is Fox. Reason: All except fox belong to cat family.
  3. Answer is Cashew. Reason: All except cashew are fruits.
  4. Answer is February. Reason: All except February are 31 days month.
  5. Answer is Iodine. Reason: All except Iodine are gases, Iodine is a liquid.
  6. Answer is Valley. Reason: All except valley are elevated features.
  7. Answer is Peel. Reason: Rest are methods of cooking.
  8. Answer is Reader. Reason: All except reader are involved in preparation of newspaper/magazine production.
  9. Answer is Fir. Reason: All except fir are parts of birds.
  10. Answer is Almond. Reason: All except almond are spices.
  11. Answer is Defense. Reason: All except defense are means of attack.
  12. Answer is Swan. Reason: Only swan is water bird.

Set 4 Odd Man Out – Number Pair

  1. Answer is 10-20. This is only pair in which second number is twice the first one.
  2. Answer is 2-4. In all other pairs, (1st number)2/2=2nd Number.
  3. Answer is 7-63. In all other pairs, (1st number)x(1st number+1)=2nd number.
  4. Answer is 28-4. In all other pairs, (1st number-1)/7=2nd number.
  5. Answer is 81-63. This is the only pair in which the sum of the digits of both the numbers are same.

Set 5 Odd Man Out – Odd Number Pair

  1. Answer is 9-36. In all other pair contain square and cube of the same number. eg, 36=62 & 216=63
  2. Answer is 8-33. In all other pairs, 2nd number = (1st number X 3)+1.
  3. Answer is 8-30. In all other pairs, 2nd number= (1st number X 3)+5.
  4. Answer is 18-48. In all other pairs, 2nd number= (1st number X 3)-10.
  5. Answer is 25-54. This is the only pair in which two numbers have no common factor.

Set 6 Odd Man Out – Odd Number Pair

  1. Answer is 71-88. In all other pairs, the second number is obtained by interchanging the digits of the first.
  2. Answer is 86-99. In all other pairs, the ratio of the two numbers is 8:9.
  3. Answer is 25-54. This is the only pair in which two numbers have no common factor.
  4. Answer is 16-26. In all other pairs, the first digits of the two numbers are identical as 0 in 03 -04, 2 in 26-24, 2 in 27-22.
  5. Answer is 1009-1331. All other pairs contain cubes of two successive natural numbers e.g 8=23 and 27=33.