Odd Man Out 5 – Number Pair

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 5th set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd number pair out of a.16-64 b.9-36 c.36-216 d.49-343
  2. Find the odd number pair out of a.15-46 b.12-37 c.9-28 d.8-33
  3. Find the odd number pair out of a.7-26 b.8-30 c.10-35 d.13-44
  4. Find the odd number pair out of a.48-134 b.40-110 c.18-48 d.30-80
  5. Find the odd number pair out of a.21-49 b.24-64 c.25-54 d.81-36

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Odd Man Out 4 – Number Pair

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 4th set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd number pair out of a.10-20 b.30-40 c.40-50 d.50-60
  2. Find the odd number pair out of a.2-4 b.4-8 c.6-18 d.8-32
  3. Find the odd number pair out of a.3-12 b.4-20 c.6-42 d.7-63
  4. Find the odd number pair out of a.43-6 b.28-4 c.50-7 d.36-5
  5. Find the odd number pair out of a.81-63 b.24-48 c.21-15 d.13-39

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Odd Man Out 3

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 3rd set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Pound b.Yen c.Ounce d.Dollar
  2. Find the odd one out of a.Tiger b.Lion c.Fox d.Leopard e.Panther
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Grapes b.Pineapple c.Cashew d.Apple e.Orange
  4. Find the odd one out of a.December b.February c.March d.July e.May
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Hydrogen b.Oxygen c.Iodine d.Nitrogen e.Chlorine
  6. Find the odd one out of a.Peak b.Mountain c.Hillock d.Mound e.Valley
  7. Find the odd one out of a.Bake b.Peel c.Fry d.Boil e.Roast
  8. Find the odd one out of a.Reader b.Writer c.Printer d.Publisher e.Reporter
  9. Find the odd one out of a.Nail b.Feather c.Trunk d.Fir e.Tail
  10. Find the odd one out of a.Almond b.Turmeric c.Pepper d.Cumin seed e.Chilies
  11. Find the odd one out of a.Raid b.Attack c.Assault d.Defence e.Ambush
  12. Find the odd one out of a.Parrot b.Swan c.Vulture d.Sparrow e.Koel

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Odd Man Out 2

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 2nd set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Lake b.River c.Pool d.Pond
  2. Find the odd one out of a.X-Ray b.Telephone c.Radio d.Computer e.Television
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Phi b.Beta c.Gamma d.Peso e.Delta
  4. Find the odd one out of a.Beaker b.Glass c.Mug d.Saucer e.Cup
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Whale b.Dolphin c.Shark d.Cod e.Starfish

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Odd Man Out 1

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the first set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Butter b.Curd c.Oil d.Cheese
  2. Find the odd one out of a.Copper b.Tin c.Brass d.Platinum
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Fox b.Wolf c.Jackal d.Dear
  4. Find the odd one out of a.Pineapple b.Banana c.Orange d.Lemon
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Nun b.Knight c.Monk d.Priest

Tap « and » buttons on left and right side of your screen for next and previous puzzles.

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