Odd Man Out 6 – Number Pair

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 6th set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd number pair out of a.13-31 b.45-54 c.16-61 d.71-88
  2. Find the odd number pair out of a.16-18 b.56-63 c.96-108 d.86-99
  3. Find the odd number pair out of a.21-49 b.24-64 c.25-54 d.81-36
  4. Find the odd number pair out of a.3-4 b.16-26 c.26-24 d.27-22
  5. Find the odd number pair out of a.8-27 b.125-216 c.343-512 d.1009-1331

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Odd Man Out 5 – Number Pair

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 5th set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd number pair out of a.16-64 b.9-36 c.36-216 d.49-343
  2. Find the odd number pair out of a.15-46 b.12-37 c.9-28 d.8-33
  3. Find the odd number pair out of a.7-26 b.8-30 c.10-35 d.13-44
  4. Find the odd number pair out of a.48-134 b.40-110 c.18-48 d.30-80
  5. Find the odd number pair out of a.21-49 b.24-64 c.25-54 d.81-36

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Odd Man Out 4 – Number Pair

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 4th set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd number pair out of a.10-20 b.30-40 c.40-50 d.50-60
  2. Find the odd number pair out of a.2-4 b.4-8 c.6-18 d.8-32
  3. Find the odd number pair out of a.3-12 b.4-20 c.6-42 d.7-63
  4. Find the odd number pair out of a.43-6 b.28-4 c.50-7 d.36-5
  5. Find the odd number pair out of a.81-63 b.24-48 c.21-15 d.13-39

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Odd Man Out 3

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 3rd set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Pound b.Yen c.Ounce d.Dollar
  2. Find the odd one out of a.Tiger b.Lion c.Fox d.Leopard e.Panther
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Grapes b.Pineapple c.Cashew d.Apple e.Orange
  4. Find the odd one out of a.December b.February c.March d.July e.May
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Hydrogen b.Oxygen c.Iodine d.Nitrogen e.Chlorine
  6. Find the odd one out of a.Peak b.Mountain c.Hillock d.Mound e.Valley
  7. Find the odd one out of a.Bake b.Peel c.Fry d.Boil e.Roast
  8. Find the odd one out of a.Reader b.Writer c.Printer d.Publisher e.Reporter
  9. Find the odd one out of a.Nail b.Feather c.Trunk d.Fir e.Tail
  10. Find the odd one out of a.Almond b.Turmeric c.Pepper d.Cumin seed e.Chilies
  11. Find the odd one out of a.Raid b.Attack c.Assault d.Defence e.Ambush
  12. Find the odd one out of a.Parrot b.Swan c.Vulture d.Sparrow e.Koel

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Odd Man Out 2

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the 2nd set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Lake b.River c.Pool d.Pond
  2. Find the odd one out of a.X-Ray b.Telephone c.Radio d.Computer e.Television
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Phi b.Beta c.Gamma d.Peso e.Delta
  4. Find the odd one out of a.Beaker b.Glass c.Mug d.Saucer e.Cup
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Whale b.Dolphin c.Shark d.Cod e.Starfish

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Odd Man Out Solutions

Here are the solutions for all the sets of Odd Man Out

Set 1 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is Oil. Reason: All except oil are diary products.
  2. Answer is Brass. Reason: All except brass are alloy.
  3. Answer is Dear. Reason: All except dear are flesh eating animals.
  4. Answer is Banana. Reason: All except banana are juicy fruits.
  5. Answer is Knight. Reason: All except knight are religious titles, where as knight is a fighter.

Set 2 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is River. Reason: All except river contain stagnant water.
  2. Answer is X-Ray. Reason: All except x-ray are electronic devices.
  3. Answer is Peso. Reason: All except peso are Greek letters.
  4. Answer is Saucer. Reason: All except saucer are used to contain liquid.
  5. Answer is Whale. Reason: Only whale is a mammal.

Set3 Odd Man Out

  1. Answer is Ounce. Reason: All except ounce are currency, ounce is used to measure weight.
  2. Answer is Fox. Reason: All except fox belong to cat family.
  3. Answer is Cashew. Reason: All except cashew are fruits.
  4. Answer is February. Reason: All except February are 31 days month.
  5. Answer is Iodine. Reason: All except Iodine are gases, Iodine is a liquid.
  6. Answer is Valley. Reason: All except valley are elevated features.
  7. Answer is Peel. Reason: Rest are methods of cooking.
  8. Answer is Reader. Reason: All except reader are involved in preparation of newspaper/magazine production.
  9. Answer is Fir. Reason: All except fir are parts of birds.
  10. Answer is Almond. Reason: All except almond are spices.
  11. Answer is Defense. Reason: All except defense are means of attack.
  12. Answer is Swan. Reason: Only swan is water bird.

Set 4 Odd Man Out – Number Pair

  1. Answer is 10-20. This is only pair in which second number is twice the first one.
  2. Answer is 2-4. In all other pairs, (1st number)2/2=2nd Number.
  3. Answer is 7-63. In all other pairs, (1st number)x(1st number+1)=2nd number.
  4. Answer is 28-4. In all other pairs, (1st number-1)/7=2nd number.
  5. Answer is 81-63. This is the only pair in which the sum of the digits of both the numbers are same.

Set 5 Odd Man Out – Odd Number Pair

  1. Answer is 9-36. In all other pair contain square and cube of the same number. eg, 36=62 & 216=63
  2. Answer is 8-33. In all other pairs, 2nd number = (1st number X 3)+1.
  3. Answer is 8-30. In all other pairs, 2nd number= (1st number X 3)+5.
  4. Answer is 18-48. In all other pairs, 2nd number= (1st number X 3)-10.
  5. Answer is 25-54. This is the only pair in which two numbers have no common factor.

Set 6 Odd Man Out – Odd Number Pair

  1. Answer is 71-88. In all other pairs, the second number is obtained by interchanging the digits of the first.
  2. Answer is 86-99. In all other pairs, the ratio of the two numbers is 8:9.
  3. Answer is 25-54. This is the only pair in which two numbers have no common factor.
  4. Answer is 16-26. In all other pairs, the first digits of the two numbers are identical as 0 in 03 -04, 2 in 26-24, 2 in 27-22.
  5. Answer is 1009-1331. All other pairs contain cubes of two successive natural numbers e.g 8=23 and 27=33.

Odd Man Out 1

Odd Man Out or Classification is to assort item of a given group as per their common quality and pick the one which doesn’t have the quality.

This is the first set of Odd Man Out. In this test, you are given a group of certain items out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. You need to find out the item which does not fit into the given group.

  1. Find the odd one out of a.Butter b.Curd c.Oil d.Cheese
  2. Find the odd one out of a.Copper b.Tin c.Brass d.Platinum
  3. Find the odd one out of a.Fox b.Wolf c.Jackal d.Dear
  4. Find the odd one out of a.Pineapple b.Banana c.Orange d.Lemon
  5. Find the odd one out of a.Nun b.Knight c.Monk d.Priest

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